17th International Conference on Ion Beam Modification of Materials

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Hierachical self-assembly of Au nanobeads by Sequential Ion-Beam-Sputtering

Jae-Sung Kim*

poster presentation: Monday 2010-08-23 05:00 PM - 07:00 PM in section Ion-driven self-organization, nanopatterning
Last modified: 2010-06-02


Highly ordered one-dimensional array of Au nanodots or nanobeads are fabricated by forming nano-ripples and nano-dots in sequence entirely by  ion-beam-sputtering (IBS) of Au(001).This demonstrates the capability of IBS for the fabrication of sophisticated nanostructures via hierachical self-assembly. In contrast to the previous works, the hierachical construction is fully bottom-up.The intricate nanobead pattern ideally serves to identify the governing mechanisms for the pattern formation:Non-linear effects, especially redeposition effects, are vital for both the formation and preservation of the order of the patterns.  For the pattern evolution during IBS, two novel mechanisms such as the ripple ripening and the ripple bifurcation are found to play crucial roles.

Author(s) affiliation:
Jae-Sung Kim*, Sook-Myung Women's University, Republic of Korea

*presenting author
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